Tennille Robbs

Tennille Robbs


MSgt Tennille Robbs is the Collections Flight Chief, 72d Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Squadron, Detachment 7, Buckley Space Force Base, Aurora, Colorado. In other words, She in the U.S. Space Force working in intelligence. The U.S. Space Force is a military service that organizes, trains and equips space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint force. There, she is part of a team that provides timely space intelligence reconnaissance and surveillance to the joint warfighters, enabling decision-making advantages to dominate across the spectrum of conflict in all domains.

Tennille was born and raised in South Orange, New Jersey. After her graduation from Rutgers University 2000 with a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies, Tennille couldnโ€™t find a role in urban planning, so she shifted into the financial sector, initially in banking, then the mortgage industry and, lastly, the brokerage firm Merrill Lynch. After the market crash of 2008 and hitting a plateau in her career trajectory, Robbs decided that was the perfect time to make the leapโ€”her enlistment in the United States Army.

Her service in the military has been filled with variety, from a first duty station in Hawaii, then to Afghanistan on a tour for eight months during heightened tensions in the region. She then returned to the USA and traveled to her new duty station in San Antonio, Texas, before the opportunity of a lifetime at the Space Force opened.

She is married to her husband Gregory Robbs and they have three children. She is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Incorporated, since the fall of 1998.

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