Michèle Delisfort

Michèle Delisfort

LC'92, EJB'95

Michèle S. Delisfort is a Haitian American daughter of the Township of Union. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Rutgers University and later earned a Master’s’ Degree in City and Regional Planning from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, also at Rutgers.

Michèle is a Principal and Managing partner at the Nishuane Group, an urban planning consultancy firm and has 30 years of professional experience in land use planning, redevelopment planning, and community development. She is a three-term mayor of the Township of Union, where she has also served as a Committeewoman, and on the Planning Board as a member and Vice-Chairperson. She served as Mayor through 2021 and was successful in leading the Township through a natural disaster (Hurricane Ida) and the precarious years of the Covid-19 Pandemic. During her tenure she leveraged resources to promote Economic Development in the Township, updated policies and Plans and worked with the Administration and Township Committee to spearhead and implement redevelopment initiatives throughout the Township.

Michèle is a licensed professional planner and nationally certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners. She also serves as Chairperson of the New Jersey Chapter of the American Planning Association’s Redevelopment Planning Committee. She has also expanded her passion for planning and community transformation abroad. Following the devastating earthquake experienced by Haiti in 2012, she provided redevelopment and public engagement assistance to the recovery in Haiti, where she was able to bring her unique perspective as a Professional Planner and a Haitian American to bear.

Michèle credits her strong industry and community roots to her education and guidance at the Edward J. Bloustein School and the immersive practical experience gained in the Real Estate Development, Government and Urban Planning industries.

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